
The Bodyrock Way
What We Do
At Bodyrock Bodyrock, we specialize in seriously fun and effective back-to-basics core fitness training. At the center of our program is the belief that before you attempt to master heavy weights or expensive machines, you must first master your body.
We’re old school…
We don’t follow trends or fads. We don’t let others define or limit our potential. And we never judge the potential of others, because we truly believe that each of us has the power to achieve all of our dreams, and literally change the world!
If you were to ask a big-name gym franchise about what we do every day, they’d probably ask “why are they still doing those same old-school workouts that our dads did? Our answer is “because it works…”

Our Method
How We Do It

Everyone always talks about the importance of strengthening your core. We all know that core training can improve your strength, flexibility, and posture while also rehabilitating your lower back and correcting other core related issues.
We also know that strengthening the smaller muscle groups that comprise your core, makes your entire body more balanced, more athletic, and more powerful.
But what almost no one understands is the concept of Back-2 Basics High-Intensity Core Training, and how it incorporates the smaller muscles of your core with the larger muscles, and uses your very own body weight to not only get you in the best shape of your life but also protect you from getting injured even if you’re just getting started.
At Bodyrock Bootcamp, we are the only fitness company that incorporates Back 2 Basics High Intensity Core Training into everything we do – whether it be bodyweight training, interval training or working out with dumbbells and weights.
Our daily fitness regimen can literally be done anywhere (at home, at the gym and even outside), and utilizes Back-2-Basics High-Intensity Core Training to improve your result in everything you do.

Our Mission
Why We Do It
We believe that access to daily health and fitness is a human right.
Every day we strive to create a workout environment that is inviting, accepting and motivating to people of all walks of life. Every day we serve to educate and empower our fitness community and the city of Philadelphia by creating long-lasting healthy habits that lead to better wellness and a respect and appreciation for all bodies - no matter the size shape color or background.
Finally, every day we challenge our Bodyrock members and community to not only pursue their own personal goals but to become champions in helping others to pursue their goals too.
Our mission at Bodyrock Bootcamp is to change the world through the strengthening of bodies and the transformation of the minds that go along with them.

Meet Our Trainers

Nate Mcintyre
He’s been called an iron fist in a velvet glove —part drill sergeant and part life coach. But his boot camp doesn’t involve combat gear and heavy backpacks. Nate McIntyre, founder of Philly’s Body Rock Boot Camp and Executive Training, is a prominent figure of success when it comes to personal fitness, as he’s taken the mundane gym work to another level. He’s not only an award-winning trainer whose clients get fast and noticeable results, but his boot camp-style training program has been said to inspire “wellness and spiritual growth,” says Nate. Nate’s got the right idea —motivate people by getting them out of their ordinary gym routines. And as that the weather breaks and swimsuit season quickly approaches, it’s a great time to explore the numerous fun and creative ways to get moving and shape up.

Kendrell Warren
His smile draws you in… his knowledge of fitness and commitment to your goals gets you hooked… and the soreness you feel after any one of his high intensity butt kicking workouts makes realize that Kendrell is the perfect coach to keep you committed and smiling too on your long hard journey towards achieving your fitness goals.
Wayne Alexander
Patience and positivity… those are the two ‘P’ words that best describe Wayne Alexander’s professional style of personal training. But then there’s also the words pushups, pull-ups, planks and post workout total body ‘ouchy’, or as Wayne often says… “it’s called D.O.M.S. (delayed onset muscle soreness)”. You’ll appreciate his belief in your abilities and enjoy the fact that you’ve earned every muscle ache as Wayne’s guides and motivated throughout your progression towards personal perfection.

Jesse Woodhouse
For 20 years, Officer Jesse Woodhouse has not only been a policeman but also quietly taught cardio kickboxing -building a humongous following across the city.
Jesse offers his class as both community outreach to the neighborhood and as a way to convert newbies to fitness into lovers of fitness. He describes his class as “non-stop cardio” set to his favorite style of music -house! Jesse likes to pump up the intensity of each class by pumping up his favorite curated house mixes weekly.
Evin Ford
A Zumba instructor like no other! Evin Ford cannot be compared to any other Zumba instructor in the city of Philadelphia. His soulful yet high energy choreography sets his classes apart from all of the rest… except for maybe Usher. In fact, to better get a sense of his Zumba workouts, imagine if Usher showed up to the gym and proceeded to teach you and all of your besties, his favorite easy to replicate, low impact hip hop and salsa moves to get your body sweat’n and moving to the beat.